Amazing Stuff

I absolutely love this product! My dog has always had rough pads, regardless of the time of year. Sometimes her poor pads were so frayed she’d be limping around. I tried other products to help smooth them out and keep them from cracking and fish oil supplements, which helped some, but not to where I wanted her feet to be. When we took in a stray cat a few months ago, his pads were so beaten up from being outside that they were pink (should have been gray), cracked, and raw in places. I purchased this mainly for the cat, but also used it on my dog and within 3 treatments, their pads were transformed. I only used a thin layer on each of their feet and I was amazed at how smooth my dog’s pads were and how healed the cat’s were. This will be my first winter with the product and I’m excited to see how it works with the snow/icy/salt. I’m thoroughly impressed and will recommend this product to anyone!My little ones are happy so I’m happy.

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